Generator Interconnection Studies and Procedures

MISO provides safe, reliable, equal and non-discriminatory access to the electric transmission system for generator interconnection (GI) projects. MISO commits to help current and future interconnection customers navigate the interconnection study process. 

Studies and Analyses

Once completed and submitted, generator interconnection requests enter MISO’s Generator Interconnection Queue. Requests within the queue go through the following steps. Contact a GI expert if you have further questions.

The DPP includes three phases and two decision points; however, customers must provide M1 and M2 milestones and D1 and D2 study deposits no later than the application deadline published on the Transmission Provider website. MISO will utilize reasonable efforts to complete the DPP System Impact studies and the Facility study in approximately 355 calendar days. 

  • Phase 1 
    Preliminary SIS, Decision Point 1. Estimated time of completion for these studies is 140 days. 

  • Phase 2 
    Revised DPP SIS and Interconnection Facilities FS, Decision Point 2. Estimated time of completion for these studies is 80 days. 

  • Phase 3 
    Final DPP SIS and Network Upgrade Facilities Study. Estimated time of completion for these studies is 135 days. 

  • Generator Interconnection Agreement (GIA) 
    Facilities Study review.   
    Tender Draft GIA, IC/TO Execute GIA. Estimated time of completion is 150 days. Upon receiving the final GIA, customers must provide the following milestones: 

    • Evidence of achieving one or more pro forma 

    • Appendix B milestones in Attachment X of the Tariff 

    • Initial GIA milestone payment to the transmission owner within 30 calendar days 

    • Reasonable evidence of continued site control 

Request an optional study to get sensitivity analysis and cost estimates for providing transmission service or interconnection service. The study will identify all of a transmission owner’s interconnection facilities, system protection facilities, distribution upgrades, generator upgrades, common-use upgrades and network upgrades. 

MISO conducts optional studies in parallel with interconnection requests or on a stand-alone basis. To initiate an optional study, please provide MISO with: 

Request a Provisional Study for Interconnection Request submissions through Interconnection Customer Decision Point II or at any time the Interconnection Facility Study for Network Upgrades becomes delayed by more than 60 calendar days. (see PGIA study application form) 

MISO conducts Provisional Studies to offer conditional ERIS to the customer prior to the completion on the Network Upgrades. 

MISO requires a deposit of $8,000 per MW studied for M3 and M4. 

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